(+375 17) 3 500 222
(+375 29) 3 670 670
(+375 17) 3 500 333

Professional adhesive and sealant products, industrial and building special materials and compounds


Two-component compounds are manufactured from low molecular weight dimethylsiloxane rubber. Two-component sealants are paste-like materials, vulcanizing, when they are mixed with catalyst, at ambient temperature and moving to the rubbery state. 


Silicone compounds are used for sealing of electrical and radio devices, operating in open air at high vibration, humidity, low and high temperature. 

Product Data:

Temperature resistance, °C -60 to +200

Lifetime after mixing with catalyst, h, in the interval 0,5-5,0

Viscosity at 25°C, Pa. sec. 90-600

Relative strength, MPa min 0.25

Relative elongation at a break, % min 70-80

Hardness (Shore A) -

Volume electrical resistance at the temperature (20±5)°C and relative air humidity (65±5)%, Ohm x cm 1 x 10 13

Dielectric permeability at frequency 10 6, Herz max 3

Electric strength at the temperature (20±5)°C and relative air humidity (65±5)%, kv/mm 15

Surface electrical resistance at the temperature (20±5)°C, Ohm x cm 1х10 13

Shelf Life 12

Packaging: Part A 5-40 liters in drums, Part B (catalyst) – glass bottles.